April 13, 2024

Democrats Shocked GOP Would Return Fire After Trying To Keep Trump Off Ballot

The last few years, one thing has dominated the Democrat agenda when compared to all other tasks:

Destroying Donald Trump.

Despite taking down our former president being what they're spending most of their time, money, and energy on, liberals in this country are somehow still surprised every time Republicans fight back.

No matter what area of Donald Trump's career you look at, liberals have tried to make it more difficult on Donald Trump lately.

His businesses were just fined absurd amounts of money by a corrupt judge.

Fani Willis appointed her married lover to be the man to prosecute Trump in Georgia in a shocking display of favoritism.

Multiple states have already tried to keep him off the ballot in 2024, despite Trump winning the Republican primary race.

The retaliation from the GOP has so far come in the form of Ohio and Alabama threatening to exclude the current president from their state ballots in 2024.

The Democratic National Committee nominating process ends well after the deadline in several states.

Republicans in Ohio and Alabama are threatening to buck the precedent of both parties offering exemptions to each other in these scenarios in order to keep Joe Biden off the ballot.

Every time Republicans fight back, liberals seem to have no idea where it's coming from.

"This has not been something anybody has ever dealt with," said DNC member Elaine Karmack. "No, this has never happened before."

Karmack made that statement about one month after America's Supreme Court had to intervene to prevent Democrats from kicking Trump off the presidential ballot in several states.

Liberals have a short memory, and it is a selective one.

They aren't out to achieve justice, fairness, or morality.

They are out to promote themselves and get what they can.

It's time they were stopped.

If the GOP has to fight back for that to be able to happen, then so be it.

To read more about this story, please feel free to click on the original source here.

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