November 6, 2023

Democrats Distancing From Bidenomics

While the Democrat Party is publicly supporting Joe Biden, there is a different message coming from party members behind closed doors.

When Biden's economic plan was first introduced, it was dubbed Bidenomics, which Joe Biden has embraced.

Democrats, however, are now distancing themselves from this to try to salvage when they can in the 2024 election.


As recently as last week, Joe Biden was touting the success of Bidenomics, but it is clear that most Democrats do not actually embrace Biden's policies.

One anonymous Democrat stated, "Whoever came up with the slogan Bidenomics should be fired. It’s probably the worst messaging you could ever imagine."

The one Democrat who would go on the record on the economic plan is Rep. James Clyburn (R-S.C.).

Clyburn was widely credited with saving Joe Biden's campaign during the 2020 Democrat primary.

Joe Biden had taken a beating in the early voting states, but Clyburn worked out a backroom deal with Biden for Joe to secure his endorsement and once Biden won South Carolina, it was just a matter of time before he put Bernie Sanders and the rest of the field away.

Clyburn stated, "I don’t like it either. The people that he [Biden] stands for don’t deal with economics.

"They deal with day-to-day issues. They have to educate their children and feed their families and develop their communities — and that doesn’t sound like ‘Bidenomics.’"

Democratic pollster Celinda Lake also added, "Originally, I would have said we didn’t repeat it enough. I would have said we weren’t visible enough out there. I would have said we didn’t put enough advertising. But we’ve done all of that, and it still doesn’t break through."

Well, that is because it is not working. As Clyburn stated, people live from day to day, and they are seeing their bank accounts go backward.

Everyday costs are rising, and we all know this winter is likely to be far worse than last year.

Americans are now collectively swimming in $1 trillion in credit card debt for the first time in history.

Just remember Joe, just because you say it is true does not make it so.

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