December 1, 2023

Democrats Call for Resignation of Florida GOP Chair After Salacious Allegations

Florida GOP Chairman Christian Ziegler has had some nasty allegations levied against him.

According to reports, Ziegler is now the focus of a criminal investigation due to an alleged sexual battery.

To date, Ziegler has not officially been charged with any crime.

Apples and Oranges

The Sarasota Police Department, for some reason, released a heavily redacted report regarding the investigation being conducted into Ziegler regarding the accusations.

All of the details of the alleged assault were obscured, so there is not much detail to go on regarding the allegations that were made against him.

However, the words "rape" and "sexual assault complaint” were not redacted, and Democrats pounced.

Nikki Fried, chairwoman of the Florida Democratic Party, responded, "This is serious. We demand his immediate resignation.”

Let me know if you found the same response from her when Joe Biden was accused of rape. Or how about Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), who has been charged with being bribed?

The Republican Party of Sarasota also responded, stating, "We are shocked and disappointed to hear of the reports concerning Republican Party of Florida Chair and Sarasota County State Committeeman Christian Ziegler, and his wife, Sarasota County School Board Member Bridget Ziegler.

“The Republican Party takes all such allegations of potential criminal conduct very seriously and will fully cooperate with investigators."

This is surely an ugly subject, and as heinous as these allegations may sound, why would anyone force Ziegler to resign when no charges have been filed?

Now, if there are charges, I would recommend that he step down to concentrate on his case and family, but you still cannot actually force him to resign until he is proven to be guilty.

We have seen cases like this before that amount to a nothing burger, but the career had already been ruined.

And believe me, if the allegations are proven to be true, I will be the first person in line to recommend throwing the book at him, as I find no crimes more repulsive than sexual assault and child abuse of any kind.

Now, I know what people are saying… but you recommended that Rep. Santos (R-N.Y.) be expelled before he was convicted.

That is 100 percent correct, but my reason for wanting to see Santos expelled had zero to do with the 23 federal charges he is facing and everything to do with his fabricated resume that was used to trick voters.

If voters knew the truth about him, there is no way that man would have been elected to office.

The allegations against Ziegler are horrific, but until this man is formally charged, everyone should just pump the brakes.

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