October 29, 2023

Democrats attempting to silence those in party worried about Biden's re-election prospects

The bad polling news for President Joe Biden's reelection prospects shows no sign of abating, and though more than one prominent Democrat has stepped forward to sound the alarm bells for 2024, others on the left are reportedly doing all they can to silence those voices, as Breitbart explains.

Longtime Democratic strategist James Carville has been particularly outspoken in terms of what he says is happening within his party, noting that the warnings he has issued about Biden's plummeting poll numbers are not just being ignored, they are being actively discouraged by the establishment, according to Fox News.

Outlook “not good”

Carville recently spoke to The Atlantic about Biden's chances of securing another term in 2024, and he painted a decidedly pessimistic picture.

According to Carville, his assessment that Biden's current polling outlook is “not good” has failed to find a receptive audience among fellow Democrats, many of whom have suggested that he keep his take on the matter to himself, whether it is accurate or not.

“Nobody is saying, 'James, you're wrong,” Carville explained. “They're saying, 'James, you can't say that.'”

Unwilling to remain mum, however, Carville declared, “I'm looking at the polling data, and I'm looking at all of it. The president's numbers are just not good – and they're not getting any better.”

Phillips weighs in

Concurring with that analysis is Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN), who just last week announced that he would mount a primary challenge to Biden due to the fact that he believes the writing is already on the wall in terms of what is likely to happen next November if another Democratic candidate does not emerge.

Having frequently given voice to his concerns about Biden's age and potential cognitive decline, Phillips explained on X, “I didn't set out to enter this race. But it looks like on our current course, the Democrats will lose and [Donald] Trump will be our president again.”

In comments offered to CBS News, Phillips emphasized his respect and admiration for Biden's achievements, but said that “it's not about the past. This is an election about the future. I will not sit still, I will not be quiet, when we're facing numbers that are so clearly saying that we'll be facing an emergency next November.”

Heads in the sand

Despite the stark warnings issued by Carville and Phillips, a number of influential Democrats have dismissed their words of caution, and that number includes Vice President Kamala Harris, who said in a 60 Minutes interview on Sunday that talk of dire poll numbers are “parlor games” to which she will not pay attention.

The anti-Trump Lincoln Project also took aim at those skeptical of Biden's chances, saying in particular that “Dean Phillips is running a quixotic ego-boosting crusade that will only serve to weaken the president.”

If, as currently appears likely, Biden's approval ratings remain on a downward trajectory, it will be worth watching to see if Carville and Phillips' admonitions to the party elite begin to gain traction, or if Democrat power brokers will continue burying their heads in the sand.

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