October 23, 2023

Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips Announces Plans to Run Against Biden

Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) is reportedly making plans to run against President Joe Biden.

Phillips has scheduled an event in New Hampshire on Friday where he is expected to make his formal announcement.

"Earlier this month, Phillips stepped down from his role as co-chair of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee because of his flirtation with running for president," the New York Post reported.

"Phillips has insisted the 80-year-old President Biden’s advanced age puts him at a big disadvantage to get re-elected and run the country for four more years," it added.

"Phillips last week missed a deadline to place his name on the ballot in Nevada, which is holding its presidential primary on Feb. 6 in the Democratic Party's nominating calendar," Fox News reported.

"Now the millionaire businessman and co-founder of a gelato company turned three-term House Democrat has until the end of business on Friday to place his name on the ballot in New Hampshire, which for a century's held the first primary along the road to the White House," it continued.

Phillips has previously criticized Biden as being too old to serve another term, blaming him for not "passing the torch" to young leaders in the party.

The Minnesota congressman previously stated he would make an announcement by September on whether he was run against Biden but no announcement was made.

The Friday event would pit him against the aging president alongside Democratic contender Marianne Williamson. Former Democratic candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. also started his campaign as a Democrat but has since switched to running as an Independent.

The Friday announcement could shake up the campaign for the White House as it already faces a likely rematch against former President Donald Trump.

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