February 21, 2024

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin: Biden Moved Too Far Left

One of the biggest narratives being pitched by Republicans is that Joe Biden is not capable of sitting behind the Resolute Desk for another four years.

Biden has shown plenty of early warning signs of dementia, and the special counsel report more or less declared him mentally unfit for trial.

Now there are Democrats pushing the same narrative, with Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) sounding more like a GOP operative than a member of the Democrat Party.

Joe Blasts Joe

Manchin was on CNN with Kaitlan Collins when he skirted the idea of Joe Biden being the man for the job.

Collins asked, “You also said that, in a president, you’re looking for someone…who has the knowledge, has the function, and has the ability to…bring this country together. Is Joe Biden that candidate?”

Manchin’s answer did not evoke confidence in Biden, stating, “Well, that’s the Joe Biden I used to know. I’ve — and I’ve had this conversation with him and with his people that he’s gone too far to the left, they’ve pushed him and pulled him and whatever.

“But that’s not where America is. That’s not where our country is.

“So, I’m hoping the Joe Biden that we saw in 2020 will be the Joe Biden we see in 2024, if that can be done.”

Manchin was also asked if he would endorse Biden, but he refused to do so at this point, believing that Biden and the Democrat Party as a whole needed to move more to the center before he would endorse anyone.

Manchin added, “That’s the type of government they want. They don’t want the extremes, and what we’re seeing is extremes. Donald Trump is an extremist. And with that, there [are] people that are going in that direction.

“I still believe there [are] enough good Republicans and Democrats that want this centrist type of approach to governing.”

On Donald Trump, I think Manchin got it wrong.

Trump throws a lot of rhetoric around, but this first term was anything but the agenda of someone you would paint as an extremist.

Do not confuse Trump’s policies with his rhetoric because they hardly follow the same path.

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