October 31, 2023

Democrat Lawsuit to Remove Trump from Colorado Ballot Underway

Talk about a waste of taxpayer money…

A trial has just started in Colorado to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot.

While most judges have tossed cases trying to use the 14th Amendment to remove Trump from consideration, someone found a judge in Colorado who was receptive to their cause, and the trial started on Monday.

Waste of Time

You guys all know this narrative by now…

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment would disqualify anyone from running for office who has participated in or offered aid and comfort for insurrection.

The general consensus from legal experts is that this would require Trump to not only be charged with insurrection or having provided aid and comfort to insurrectionists, but he would also have to be found guilty of one of those acts.

To this point, neither has happened.

Rep. Boebert (R-CO) responded to the lawsuit, stating, “Any effort to keep President Trump off the ballot in Colorado or any other state are pathetic attempts at overturning the will of the American people.

“It has become clear that lawfare will be the Left's preferred method of battle in 2024 and our job is to fight back against it at every turn. With the federal government so weaponized against our side, the need to take back the White House has never been so critical.”

A lawyer for Trump, Scott Gesler, challenged the term “insurrection” even being used.

He stated, “People should be able to run for office and shouldn't be punished for their speech.

“The claim that there was an insurrection – what constitutes an insurrection really needs to be grounded in historical usage.”

I have never supported what took place at the Capitol that day, but I have always stated that I thought the term “insurrection” was over the top. I also believe that based on Pelosi’s actions prior, this was something they had hoped would happen, and they had this narrative ready to go right from Jump Street.

If Trump loses this case, it will get escalated to the Supreme Court, where the plaintiffs will lose. Of that, I have little doubt.

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