June 12, 2024

Dem Judge dismisses charges against illegal immigrants who charged at law enforcement

A county judge has once again decided that a group of illegal immigrants accused of rioting at the US-Mexico border should NOT be held accountable for their actions.

A whopping 59 cases have been dismissed.

The Daily Caller reports, "Democratic El Paso County Judge Ruben Morales dismissed 59 cases against illegal migrants accused of participating in a border riot in April, ruling that his court has no jurisdiction over the matter. The group of migrants were charged with rioting after allegedly breaking through concertina wire at the border and rushing members of the Texas National Guard near El Paso’s Lower Valley."

El Paso Public Defender Kelli Childress spoke with the press about the ruling:

"The judge ruled that [filing of the charges] was done in a way that was improper with respect to constitutional and statutory procedure. None of these problems have been at the fault of the judge or my clients."

"It’s been very frustrating to watch this happen over and over again," Childress continued. "This is the third dismissal of these charges while these people have had to sit in jail for."

She is speaking as though these are innocent Americans.

They're not.

These are illegal immigrants that we're talking about here. If these people don't want to sit in an American jail, then they shouldn't be in this country illegally.

It wouldn't be hard to understand if an American went to Mexico and started causing a ruckus, but liberals have created such a twisted dynamic in America that some people think that illegal immigrants and other criminals are often treated better than the more hard-working people in America.

What do you think?

Is a technicality about how and when they were charged good enough for you to let all of these illegal immigrants off the hook?

Or do you think that they should be judged on the spirit of the law, instead of some fine print?

Let us know your opinion by leaving a comment in the discussion section below!

If you are interested in learning more about the details of this story, please feel free to click on the source link here.

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