October 19, 2023

Defense Department Issues 'Ready to Deploy' Orders Over Israel-Hamas War

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin issued a "ready to deploy" order for many troops over the weekend following the recent start of war between Israel and Hamas.

Troops would be required to be ready to deploy to the region within 24 hours of orders, according to the communication sent.

"Fox News confirmed on Monday that 2,000 U.S. troops were notified to prepare to be ready within 24 hours if needed," the outlet noted.

"The order was issued just days after a special operations Marine Corps unit participating in exercises scheduled through Oct. 22 departed early 'as a result of emerging events.' These troops are not designated for combat roles, but for advising and medical support," it added.

"The soldiers will be tasked with missions like providing advice and medical support, the officials informed the publication, adding that they come from across various branches of the U.S. military," Rebel News reported.

"Their role will be non-combat, and no infantry have been put on 'prepare-to-deploy order,'" it continued.

The U.S. has already repositioned multiple ships in the Eastern Mediterranean to offer support if needed, including the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Force.

The ships are designed to serve as deterrents to any future terrorist efforts as Israel seeks to retaliate against Hamas over its attacks that left over 1,300 Israelis dead.

President Joe Biden also visited Israel on Wednesday, offering support and solidarity with Israel as it deals with Hamas.

The ongoing battle is likely to continue for some time but the U.S. military's role is expected to be minimal and primarily serve as a warning against future attacks.

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