March 18, 2024

‘Deep State’ Opponents of Trump Hoping to Resurrect Russian Collusion Narrative

Democrats continue to bring out the same playbook against Donald Trump.

After all, it worked the first time around, so why not try it again, right?

So, now that Trump is the GOP nominee, the “deep state” is hoping to push a narrative that arguably made Trump more popular with his supporters.

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Donald Trump’s diehard supporters will never sway.

That base was added to, however, as more and more allegations were made against Trump and eventually debunked.

At the top of that list was the Russian collusion narrative, as Trump picked up significant support after the entire narrative was debunked in the Mueller report and the John Durham probe.

That is not stopping the never-Trumpers from pushing the same narrative this time around, though.

Fiona Hill, a one-time Trump advocate, is now among the ranks of never-Trumpers.

Hill stated, “He wants to weaponize the intelligence community. And the fact is you need to look with a 360 degree perspective.

“He can’t just cherry-pick what he wants to hear when there are so many U.S. adversaries and countries that don’t wish the U.S. well.

“If he guts the intel on one thing, he’ll be partially blinding us.”

Hill is also among those pushing the Trump-Putin buddy narrative, stating, “Former President Trump has made it very clear that he admires Vladimir Putin.”

Then, of course, there is Rep. Swalwell (D-CA), the failed presidential candidate and the subject of a honey pot scheme with a Chinese spy, Fang Fang.

This is Swalwell doing his best to warn people that a vote for Trump is like putting Putin in the White House…

The sad reality is that today’s politicians are more like gossip hounds, and the media eat it up.

They cherry-pick quotes to purposely take them out of context, blab all over social media about them, then the mainstream media refuses to tell the whole story.

Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki actually did an entire segment on her show this week DEFENDING taking comments out of context... it was completely ludicrous.

This is the same thing that is happening now regarding Trump’s “bloodbath” comment.

Trump was talking about the future of the auto industry, but every Democrat with an X account warned that Trump is trying to start a civil war in this country.

You guys know by now I don’t pull any punches about any subject, and if I thought Trump was in cahoots with the Russians, I would 100 percent tell you that.

But it is simply not true, and the way it is being presented by Democrats and members of the media is, quite frankly, disgusting.

Sadly, if Trump wins, it will be at least four more years of this endless drama, but the alternative is even worse… for more years of Joe Biden ruining our economy, handing our tax dollars over to foreign countries with zero accountability, and an endless stream of illegal immigrants coming across the border.

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