January 3, 2024

D.C. Homicide Rate Climbs to Highest Since 1997

Democrat-run cities in this country have a violent crime problem, and the nation’s capital is now among the worst of them.

On Monday, it was reported that D.C. had 274 confirmed murders in 2023, the highest number it has seen since 1997, when 302 people were killed.

Among the victims were 19 teenagers and children.

Rising Crime

Four people for every 10,000 residents were murdered in D.C. last year, making D.C. the fifth highest per capita homicide rate in the country.

At the top of the list were New Orleans, Cleveland, Baltimore, and Memphis, with New York and Chicago just behind D.C.

I will give you one hint of what all these cities have in common… yes, a Democrat mayor, and a long history of Democrat mayors.

What is even more disturbing than the murder rate in D.C. is the inability of the Metro Police to solve the murders, with only 75 of the cases leading to an arrest.

According to the report, nearly half the cases were due to an argument, a dozen were domestic cases, eight happened during a robbery, and five were local neighborhood conflicts.

Of all the murders, more than 90% occurred from gunfire.

The number of juveniles killed was also a significant rise from the year before, actually doubling from eight to 16 in 2023.

Mayor Muriel Bowser had no answer to give, simply stating, “It’s been a tough year.”

Criminals in D.C. are growing bolder as well, with several members of Congress reporting crimes as well as someone trying to steal a vehicle with Secret Service agents positioned outside Joe Biden’s granddaughter’s house.

Democrats are and have been destroying our major cities, yet people just keep putting them back into office, year after year, election after election.

I would ask when people will finally learn their lesson, but the answer to that question is clear… never.

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