January 12, 2024

Cruz Slams Biden Administration Over Border Issues

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is out there grabbing some headlines again, lambasting the Biden administration, specifically Secretary Mayorkas, for the issues at the border.

We usually hear these gripes on his podcast, but this time Cruz was on “The Story with Martha MacCallum” on Fox News.

While there has been resistance to the idea of impeaching Secretary Mayorkas among Republicans, that was not the case with Cruz.

It’s the Right Thing

Mayorkas has blatantly ignored our immigration laws and has allowed an unprecedented number of migrants into this country.

When asked about efforts to impeach Mayorkas, Cruz believed that was the right way to go.

He stated, “I think Alejandro Mayorkas should be impeached. I think he should have been impeached two years ago. You got to understand, it’s not that Mayorkas is bad at his job. It’s that he is openly defying federal law. He is not trying to secure the border.

“He is instead trying to accelerate illegal immigration. He is trying to process illegal immigrants faster. We’ve had over Joe Biden’s entire tenure 9.6 million illegal immigrants flood into this country.

“And Mayorkas is ignoring the laws on the books and is subjecting the American people to enormous risk.”

Cruz went on to document the harm that has been happening to children at the border as well as the fentanyl problem we have seen grow out of control.

Cruz concluded, “And so, I salute the house for doing the right thing. It needs to be done. This needs to stop.”

I wholeheartedly agree with Cruz on this issue, but the shame of it is that once this gets to the Senate, it goes to Senator Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) desk to die.

There is simply no way enough Democrats come across the aisle for an impeachment to hold.

If the GOP is lucky, they may get four or five Senators from border states, but that is where it will end, and even that is a big IF.

Sadly, nobody does the right thing… they only do the party thing in Congress these days.

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