February 16, 2024

‘Cowboys for Trump’ Founder Hoping for Supreme Court Relief

As most of you know, the Supreme Court is taking on the issue of Donald Trump being eligible for the 2024 ballot in Colorado.

With numerous blue states now trying to remove Trump via Section III of the 14th Amendment, this will have far-reaching ramifications for the election once the court issues its ruling.

The case may also impact another candidate, that being Couy Griffin, the founder of “Cowboys for Trump,” who was removed from office in New Mexico.

Price to Pay

Griffin is a diehard supporter of Donald Trump.

He was also present at the January 6, 2021, rally at the Capitol, having been arrested and convicted on charges related to his actions on that day.

After his conviction, Griffin was removed from his position as a county commissioner in New Mexico using the same provision that Colorado and other states have used to remove Trump from the ballot.

With the Supreme Court seemingly ready to announce a unanimous decision in favor of Trump, Griffin is hoping that case will allow him to get his old job back.

Griffin stated, "President Trump is at the very top and I am at the very bottom, but a lot of the things they are trying to go after Trump on they have already been after me on.

“I have kind of been a testing ground for the legal stuff.”

Griffin was not convicted of sedition, but instead of having illegally entered the Capitol grounds.

It was a judge that later ruled against him, stating that his actions on January 6 made him ineligible to serve.

To quote his lawyer, "He can't even run for dog-catcher.”

There are obvious differences in these two cases, with Griffin’s case having already been litigated, but the reason here is very much the same, especially since Griffin was not convicted or charged with insurrection or a derivative of it.

Oddly enough, Griffin does not want to win the case to get his old job back but instead is hoping all this notoriety will result in Trump appointing him to a position in his administration.

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