December 16, 2023

Cornel West Predicts Biden Will Drop Out Of Race Soon

There's at least one person who legitimately believes that Joe Biden will NOT make it to the 2024 election.

American progressive Cornel West.

West simply doesn't think that Biden is going to have the energy, stamina, and support to win in 2024, much less carry out a full campaign.

Could this possibly be because West wants to be the nominee himself?

Well, the man with the big hair recently rejected the idea that he would play "spoiler" for Biden, but that still doesn't mean the old man has the juice to make it to the finish line again.

When West was asked about his possible independent run for the presidency, he said he wasn't even sure whom he might face:

"I’m not even sure whether I’ll be running against Biden. I think he’s going to have an LBJ moment and pull back," West opined.

West thinks he could be very well running against the "B Team" of Democrats.

Some names that were thrown out by the noted liberal included California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan.

Neither of these people have a ton of momentum right now, so it's hard to see the Democrats putting up anyone with a serious shot if Joe drops out.

Newsom's popularity is still reeling from when he was absolutely demolished by Ron DeSantis in a Fox News debate. It got so bad that Newsom's wife had to rush the stage and call a halt to the proceedings.

Whitmer isn't exactly hot either. Her state was recently one of the few to reject the argument that Donald Trump shouldn't be allowed on the state's ballot.

West knows that Biden isn't a legitimate contender for another term.

But you know who is?

I'll let you guess.

"I’m more concerned about Trump domestically," West said.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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