June 7, 2024

Conservative Groups Making Gains in Europe

Over the last decade, the entire world has been on this mission to become woke.

Some European countries were leading this charge, but things appear to be changing.

As we see extremism engulf the left, more and more conservative groups are making headway in leadership, especially in the EU.

Major Gains Made

Recently, right-wing has been associated with extremism.

I have lost count of how many people have gone off on me in public when they realized who I was or we got into a random conversation about politics, and I would consider myself on the tamer side of conservative writers.

But, that is the bias that has been created by the mainstream media and Democrats to equate conservatives with evil.

That mindset is starting to change, at least among voters, and not just here in the United States.

Particularly in the European Union, right-wing candidates are starting to surge in political races.

As an example, Politico reported, “In recent days, far-right parties have been showing startling strength in polls in countries across the European Union.

“If this translates to major electoral gains, as now appears likely, it would deliver an embarrassing rebuke to the two most prominent leaders on the continent: French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, both struggling with lackluster poll numbers.”

The danger for conservatives, however, is far-right-wing groups getting mixed in with conservative groups.

We do not need candidates or parties that support fascism or neo-Nazis to win because it will end up blowing back on more traditional conservatives.

It is just a bit odd to me that left-wing extremists are never really grouped in with Democrats, but every extremist right-wing group is automatically associated with Donald Trump and Republicans.

We all want to see change, but it has to be the right kind of change.

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