June 23, 2024

Congressional Republicans pressuring SCOTUS to intervene in Trump case

The Supreme Court of the United States just received news they never thought would come.

When it comes to former President Donald Trump’s hush money case, the SCOTUS has been pressured to intervene before the 2024 presidential elections begin.

A new resolution introduced does just that.

House Republicans have been ranting and raving since Trump’s trial began that what is happening to Trump is unconstitutional.

Now, the new resolution that houses those thoughts and concerns has been handed to the SCOTUS.

Trump’s recent conviction in New York was a shockwave that was heard round the country.

Of course, Trump IMMEDIATELY pushed back and developed an action plan, being very vocal about the plan to appeal the guilty verdict.

Holding the SCOTUS’ feet to the fire and urging them to intervene in this matter will guarantee Trump’s guilty verdict either stays intact or is reversed BEFORE voters go to the polls.

If the Supreme Court justices do decide to reverse Trump’s guilty verdict, this will disarm President Joe Biden and his campaign of the only remaining ammunition they seem to have.

Since news of Trump’s conviction spread through the country, Biden has had a total field day smearing Trump with terms like “convicted felon” in newer advertisements.

“In the courtroom, we see Donald Trump for who he is. He’s been convicted of 34 felonies, found liable for sexual assault and he committed financial fraud,” the Biden campaign commercial begins.

“Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s been working — lowering health care costs and making big corporations pay their fair share,” the ad concludes.

Okay, Joe Biden.

We hate to see what they are left to work with if Trump’s conviction is reversed!

Besides, you can only bring up Trump’s conviction so many times in your campaigning endeavors before Americans begin to realize you’re just beating a dead horse.

Do you think the SCOTUS will respond to congressional demands for intervention soon?

Let us know in the comments below.

If you would like to learn more about the details of this story, please feel free to click on the source here.

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