May 19, 2024

Congressional hopeful Bill Young makes his case against incumbent Rep. Nancy Mace

Congresswoman Nancy Mace's time in the House of Representatives has been marked by a series of controversies, memorable moments, and bizarre allegations, and according to the man seeking to take her seat this fall, it is time for the often-embattled lawmaker to go.

First Congressional District hopeful Bill Young told Breitbart News Saturday this week that it is incumbent on South Carolinians to deliver a “pink slip” to Mace once and for all.

Young makes his case

Running to unseat Mace, Young is an Iraq war veteran who believes that Mace has simply made one too many errors to deserve a return trip to Washington representing his district.

Among the issues Young has with Mace is her vote in 2023 to oust Kevin McCarthy from his position as House Speaker, which resulted in the installation of Mike Johnson, who has disappointed many for his apparent willingness to compromise on key conservative issues.

The end result, Breitbart News Sunday host Matthew Boyle suggested, was akin to a Democrat-Republican coalition government, and he queried Young as to whether such an outcome was acceptable to voters in his district.

According to Young, Mace's constituents “say the same thing, whether you love or hate McCarthy, it was a slippery slope and a Pandora's Box to like, you said, allowing the Democrats to control the Republican Party and giving this power to the gang of eight to hold this over the Republican leader's head.”

Young went on to point out what he sees as Mace's hypocritical reversal, in that she now opposes a motion to vacate the speaker, saying, “Nancy, you were the one that opened the Pandora's Box. You were the one that opened that slippery slope. And now you're going to have to fix this, and honestly, the way to fix this is to give her the pink slip.”

High hurdle to clear

Though Young contends that “Nancy Mace talks a lot and accomplishes nothing, and she does the bare minimum,” the congresswoman has managed to garner a key endorsement from former President Donald Trump, which could prove determinative in their battle.

Despite the pair having gone through a very public falling out in the past, Trump and Mace have recently provided reciprocal endorsements, with Mace going so far as to declare herself the presumptive GOP nominee's “prodigal daughter.”

Mace's reputation has not been without its dings, however, as her congressional office has reportedly been beset by high turnover and disgruntled staffers, and she has also leveled claims of employee sabotage, as The Hill reported.

One former staffer said of Mace's conduct and allegations, “This seems to be stemming from paranoia and trust issues,” and another opined, “She's clearly unwell, and I hope she gets help.

Only time will tell whether South Carolina voters side with Young or stick with the known – though rather mercurial – quantity that is Mace.

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