November 3, 2023

Columbia Students Organize Walkout During Hillary Clinton Lecture

Hillary is getting a small taste of what it has been like to be a conservative or Republican speaker for the last six years.

Hillary has a 2-hour lecture at Columbia University, but her last class did not go to well.

About 100 students zipped up their backpacks and walked out of class about halfway through the lecture.

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This had to be a smack in the face for Hillary, especially after what happened to her last week.

Hillary had two events go south on her when she was heckled. The first was a man who wanted her to call out Joe Biden as a warmonger. The second was a man asking her to explain more than two dozen visits to Epstein’s private island by Bill Clinton.

The walkout this time was over pro-Palestine students being doxxed.

Their names and images were shown on a billboard truck, outing them as having signed a letter to pressure Columbia University to break off its ties with “apartheid Israel” and Tel Aviv University.

The letter put the blame for the war on Israel, stating:

“The weight of responsibility for the war and casualties undeniably lies with the Israeli extremist government and other Western governments, including the US government, which fund and staunchly support Israeli aggression, apartheid, and settler-colonization.”

According to the reports, Hillary left through a side exit and she has not discussed the incident with the media as of this report.

I have always believed doxxing is dangerous, as we all saw what happened after 2016 when Trump donors were being doxxed.

The bigger issue here, however, is the fact that we have an entire generation that seems to think Hamas conducted a military action and that Israel is the bad guy in all of this.

It is just stunning to me that we have people in this country embracing this way of life and discarding everything our Framers and Founders fought for when they founded this country.

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