December 30, 2023

Chris Christie says Nikki Haley is a ‘slippery, slick politician’ running to be Trump’s VP

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Friday on CNN This Morning that he believes GOP presidential rival Nikki Haley is a “slippery, slick politician” attempting to secure the position of former President Donald Trump’s running mate.

Christie's comments came in response to questions about Haley’s recent contentious remarks about the Civil War, as Breitbart News reported.

“Here’s the bottom line on this. Nikki Haley, as I defended her in the fourth debate, as you’ll remember, is a smart woman, and she knows better, Christie said.

Haley's political opponent went on to cite another instance of questionable comments, saying, "Look, she’s been having this problem for decades in terms of her answer about this."

"If you go back to her running for governor in 2010, she said that the Civil War was about change versus tradition. She called slavery a tradition ... it’s not change versus tradition, it’s right versus wrong," he said.

Reason for the Comments

He continued to lay into his fellow former Republican governor, offering his take for the reason behind Haley's comments: “She’s not saying it because she’s afraid to say it because this has been her whole campaign."

According to Christie, Haley made her comments because "she does not want to offend anyone," and "she won’t tell the truth about Donald Trump, even though she knows that he was the cause of January 6."

"She won’t say it even though she knows that he regularly lies. She won’t say it. And even last night …. She [would not] categorically rule out being Donald Trump’s vice president," Christie went on.

The former New Jersey governor asserted that "These are simple questions to a smart woman. And when she doesn’t answer them, you have to believe she’s being a slippery, slick politician who wants to be everything to everybody.”

More Criticism for Haley

Axios reported on additional comments from Christie when he took Haley to task for addressing the trial in the case of Trump's alleged influence over the 2020 election, doing so before the 2024 general election battle had even begun.

Though Christie mostly attacked Haley for not stating that slavery was the cause of the Civil War, he took a break to criticized her for her other comments as well.

"Well, what that should tell the American people is that she believes in two systems of justice: one for all of us and one for the most powerful," said Christie.

Christie also blasted Haley on Thursday for not publicly rejecting the role in a Trump administration as his potential number two. According to Christie, her position was "insulting."

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