November 5, 2023

Chris Christie Gets Jeered at Florida Republican Event

Former New Jersey Gov. and Republican presidential hopeful Chris Christie recently tried to hit supporters of Donald Trump with a stern message at a Florida Republican gathering.

Christie forgot one thing.

Trump's supporters don't like being told they're wrong any more than the former president does.

Christie stepped to the stage and claimed that fans of Trump "fear the truth."

That went over with Trump's fans about as well as you would expect.

Even Fox News couldn't sugarcoat this one.

Their headline began with the words "Christie jeered."

That's because there really is no other way to say it.

Christie was met with boos from the first second he took the stage to talk to Republican voters.

The former governor didn't waste any time telling the audience that he understood why they were booing... because they are Trump supporters.

"What a shock, you're for Trump, I'm gonna fall over dead," Christie said. "Now look, every one of those boos, every one of those catcalls, every one of those yells will not solve one problem we face in this country."

"Your anger against the truth is reprehensible. When you think about the problems that our country and this world is facing… this type of pettiness is beneath the process of electing a president," Christie continued. "The problem is, you want to shout down any voice that says anything different than what you want to hear. And you can continue to do it. Believe me, it doesn't bother me one bit."

And just when it appeared as though Christie may have completely lost the room, he actually got them to cheer.

"We should make sure that every candidate running for president makes it very clear to every American and every citizen of the world the United States will stand undivided with the state of Israel, and we will defeat terrorists all around the world," the former chief executive of New Jersey said to loud applause.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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