October 13, 2023

Charges Added to Menendez Indictment

Senator Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) just had another charge added to his indictment.

Quite frankly, I am shocked this was not included in the initial indictment.

Prosecutors have added the charge of acting as a foreign agent for lobbying work that Menendez did to land aid for Egypt.

Bad Man

When Menendez’s home was raided, Authorities found a bounty that would have made any pirate happy.

He had numerous envelopes stuffed with cash hidden all over the house, including inside clothing, gold bars, and some other goodies.

His wife also had a Mercedes that was given to her on the cuff.

One of Menendez’s codefendants dropped off the keys to the car for her after she was involved in an accident that cost a man his life.

She got off scot-free, but Republicans are hoping to open an investigation into that because there are some pretty shady circumstances around that as well.

For instance, a retired officer showed up not long after the call came and spoke to the officers on the scene. Mrs. Menendez, who was only the Senator’s girlfriend at the time, was free to go after giving her statement, having never been required to take a DUI test.

Menendez has, among other charges, been accused of taking bribes.

The indictment stated, “Those bribes included cash, gold, payments toward a home mortgage, compensation for a low-or-no-show job, a luxury vehicle, and other things of value.”

It continued, “Over $480,000 in cash — much of it stuffed into envelopes and hidden in clothing, closets, and a safe — was discovered in the home.”

Menendez also served as a ghostwriter for a letter to drum up support in the Senate for a $300 million military aid package for Egypt, which is where the foreign agent charge originates.

This is now the second time that Menendez has been indicted as a Senator, and I just don’t see him beating the charges this time.

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