May 29, 2024

CBS Anchor Challenges Buttigieg On-air Over EV Sales

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg did the rounds this weekend to continue to try to sell EVs to Americans.

Only accounting for about six percent of all vehicle sales, the pace is far behind what Joe Biden was hoping for.

Some of that has to do with the fear of traveling long distances without being able to get a charge, and Buttigieg’s feet were put over the fire on this over the weekend.

Trump Was Right

Trump has been hammering Biden on his EV push and fight against the fossil fuel industry.

Trump recently stated, "You notice he’s trying to save the electric vehicle but not the gas-powered which is the vehicle everybody wants.

“They’re going crazy with the electric car, costing us a fortune. We’re spending hundreds of billions of dollars subsidizing a car nobody wants and nobody is ever going to buy.”

CBS anchor Margaret Brennen told Buttigieg, “He’s not wrong on the purchasing.”

When Buttigieg tried to push back and say that Trump was wrong, Brennen pushed right back, stating, "He’s not. Of the 4 million vehicles purchased, 269,000 electric vehicles were sold in the U.S. Market. It’s up like 2%."

Buttigieg was also hit on the lack of charging stations.

Biden gave the industry $7.5 billion to set up 500,000 chargers for a network that would allow EVs to travel coast-to-coast without fear of not being able to get a charge.

Less than a dozen stations have been set up, but Buttigieg tried to say that seven or eight stations over a two-year period is normal for this stage of the building process.

Most Americans are not buying this or EVs, however, as a recent poll showed that nearly 50% of Americans are firm in that they would never buy an EV.

This is a rabbit hole in terms of taxpayer dollars, and nothing but a unicorn wish on the part of Democrats.

EVs are not as reliable and cannot hold up in terms of performance with gasoline-powered vehicles.

Americans love their trucks and muscle cars, and EVs right now can produce neither.

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