October 14, 2023

California Republican Introduces Bill To Ban Aide For Palestinians

In case you haven't heard of California Republican Rep. Michelle Steel before, you should get to know her.

She's got something unique about her that sets her apart from most of the other politicians in America, Democrat or Republican.

She's an advocate for common sense.

She wants to support the good guys in the war between Israel and Hamas.

Incredibly, many liberals want to send hundreds of millions of dollars of aid to Palestine.

Just use your brain for a second.

WHO do you think is going to get the money that we send to Palestine?

If you don't think that Hamas is funded by evil governments than you're as dumb as liberals think you are.

America's Biden administration currently funnels "hundreds of millions in humanitarian aid for Palestinian people. The Biden-era policy is a departure from former President Trump who axed Palestinian aid."

Steel is FURIOUS that American dollars are going to support terrorists who recently killed over 1,000 people in Israel. She said:

This is commonsense. Not a single American taxpayer dollar should be sent to the corrupt, murderous Palestinian Authority until we have full confidence that it will never allow an evil like this to happen again.

People like AOC have been brainwashing Americans for so long that there's actually a decent amount of support for the terrorists on the left.

AOC herself has slandered Sen. Lindsey Graham for saying that he thinks Israel should fight back against Hamas.

The people who started this war in Israel are evil.

They are terrorists.

Both of those things are true.

Anybody who isn't able to identify those two things as true, is not fit to be a leader in America.

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