November 8, 2023

California Democrat Had Primary Residence in Maryland

Our Constitution mandates that members of the House and Senate must reside in the state for which they are running.

Recent reports found that Rep. Adam Schiff (R-CA), who is running for an open Senate seat in California, has been playing games with his residency for tax purposes.

While he is running in California, it would appear that Schiff’s primary residence is actually in Maryland.

You Can’t Do That

The Constitution has three requirements to run for the Senate:

  1. You must be at least 30 years of age
  2. You must have been a U.S. citizen for at least nine years
  3. You must have residency in the state of representation at the time of the election

The Constitution also has three requirements for members of the House:

  • You must be at least 25 years of age
  • You must have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years
  • You must have residency in the state of representation at the time of the election

Recent reports have shown that Rep. Schiff has actually been living in Maryland, as his primary residence, for years.

Schiff owns a 3,420 sq. ft. home in Maryland, as well as a 650 sq. ft. home in Burbank. When Schiff paid his property taxes for his California home in 2017, he did so with a check that listed his Maryland address.

Records indicate that Schiff claimed Maryland as his primary residence in 2003 and 2009-12.

So, not only is Schiff a liar, but he is playing games on his taxes, and, by the letter of the Constitution, he has committed fraud against We the People, or more specifically, against the people of California.

His office did not even deny that he was living in Maryland, stating that he moved his family to Maryland so he could spend more time with his children while serving in Congress.

Marisol Samayoa, a Schiff campaign spokesperson, stated, "Adam’s primary residence is Burbank, California, and will remain so when he wins the Senate seat.

"As Adam has discussed openly many times over the years, including in his recent New York Times best-selling book, he and Eve made the difficult decision to move their family to the D.C. area to spend more time with his children while doing his job – voting and representing the people of California's 30th Congressional District.

"Members of Congress have to decide how best to balance work and family, and the Schiffs did exactly that. Adam’s constituents appreciate how devoted he is to both the responsibilities of his job and his family."

In 2020, Schiff refinanced his mortgage, at the time claiming that his Maryland residence was his second home, in other words, a vacation home.

In a biography from 2010 to 2014, Schiff’s website claimed that his family was “settled” in Burbank, CA.

California, if I am reading its laws correctly, has an aggregate six-month rule for residing in the state in order to be able to declare residency. There are other clauses, of course, but one would think spending less than the required days in state is a deal breaker for residency being established.

Let’s also not forget the big stink that Democrats made about Dr. Oz having lived in North Jersey for decades. While Oz claimed to have moved to PA prior to the election, many of his social media posts were made at his Jersey mansion.

Dems picked this fight, not us, but we have seen this with other politicians as well.

And I don’t want to hear about the whining about travel between California and the East Coast because this is the life that Schiff chose.

They are generally out of session after Thursday, so he can return home on weekends and breaks, which would easily meet the residency requirement.

I think we need an investigation to see if Schiff is even legally serving in Congress and legally able to be elected as a Senator in California.

But hey, Governor Newsom just appointed someone to the late Senator Feinstein’s seat who has not resided in California for years, so I guess they just don’t care about that pesky little Constitution.

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