April 1, 2024

Buttigieg Shuts Down Rumors That He Will Be Running for President Again

It would appear that it is a good thing that Petey Buttigieg did not succeed in his quest to run for president in 2020.

The controversial Secretary of Transportation recently stated that his run as a Cabinet member for Biden has given him some insight as to how demanding this job can be.

So much so that he may never run for public office again.

Not For Me

I have to say, it does not give me much confidence in Buttigieg as Secretary of Transportation to hear him talk about the demands of the job and how it has discouraged him from seeking office in the future.

When he was asked about having a “new perspective” on the office of president after having a front-row seat, he seemed to sound like he could not wait to have this administration over with.

Buttigieg stated, “Well, I certainly have a new perspective on just how demanding that job is, watching President Biden deal with so many concerns, challenges, and opportunities for this country.

“I am proud to be a small part of the big team that helps him get that done.

“I sincerely don’t know whether I will run for elected office of any kind again.”

Buttigieg’s work ethic has been called into question quite often during this administration.

When he disappeared for months after his adopted children were brought home, the criticism started to rain down on him.

It got worse when it took Buttigieg so long to visit E. Palestine, OH, after the train derailment.

Buttigieg also had some interesting words that he used when a reporter stuffed a microphone in his face while he was out with his husband for a night on the town.

The reporter asked Buttigieg, “What do you have to say to the folks in Ohio, East Palestine, who are suffering right now?”

He responded several times that he had done about a dozen interviews on the subject, and after the reporter pressed him several times for a comment, he stated, “No, I'm going to refer you to the comments I made to the press because right now I'm taking some personal time and I'm walking down the street.”

Buttigieg was clearly annoyed, then asked the reporter, “Can I get a photo of you?”

The reporter wound up posting the video on her social media account with the caption, “I asked Secretary Buttigieg about the crisis in East Palestine and I guess he didn't like that, so he took a pic of me. I'm just doing my job, sir.”

Buttigieg did eventually visit East Palestine, but that visit seemed to be dictated by Donald Trump's announcement that he would visit the town to discuss the issues residents faced after the derailment.

So, I would imagine his speculation that he may never run for public office again will bring a sigh of relief to just about everyone in this country.

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