May 27, 2024

Buttigieg at a Loss to Explain Lack of Charging Stations in United States

American taxpayers have given Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg $7.5 billion to set up a nationwide charging network.

The Biden administration is pushing EVs and unless that network is in place, everything else is a pipedream.

Yet, when asked why charging station construction is so far behind, Buttigieg failed to produce a satisfying answer.

Get What You Pay For

We all know that saying that you get what you pay for, right?

So, why are people so surprised that a failing middle-America small-town mayor who could not even run his own transportation department is failing as Secretary of Transportation?

We all know Buttigieg got this position as a payoff for dropping out and supporting Biden because he clearly did not have the experience to take on the Department of Transportation.

Part of Biden’s plan with this $7.5 billion was to have a massive charging network that would go coast-to-coast so vehicles that can only travel 300 miles on a charge could make a cross-country journey without fear of being stranded.

Yet, more than two years into this plan, only seven or eight charging stations are in place.

Biden’s plan calls for 500,000 chargers to be in place by 2030, which leaves him six years to complete something that has completed just a handful in more than two years.

Buttigieg’s answer regarding the lack of charging stations was comical, offering up nothing but spin, stating, “So the President’s goal is to have half a million chargers up by the end of this decade. Now, in order to do a charger, it’s more than just plunking a- a small device into the ground, there’s utility work, and this is also, really, a new category of federal investment.

“But we’ve been working with each of the 50 states, every one of them is getting formula dollars to do this work–“

Buttigieg was then challenged on only seven or eight being functional, to which he replied, “Engaging them and the first handful- again, by 2030, 500,000 chargers. And the very first handful of chargers are now already being physically built. But again, that’s the absolute very, very beginning stages of the construction to come.”

This just goes to show how virtually no planning was in place for Biden to force this EV agenda down the throat of the American people.

It is also what happens when you allow special interest groups and SuperPACs to create policy; make no mistake about it, special interest groups and SuperPACs are who our politicians report to and work for because it surely is not the American people.

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