April 8, 2024

Brazilian Judge Threatens to Block X

A Supreme Court judge in Brazil is picking a fight with billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk.

Judge Alexandre de Moraes is threatening to block access to X in Brazil.

Musk has responded that the judge is “brazenly” violating the country’s constitution with his actions.

Blocking X

After the judge’s decision was announced, Elon Musk went ballistic, calling for the resignation of the Supreme Court judge for blatantly trying to censor certain voices in the country.

Musk posted, “Coming shortly, 𝕏 will publish everything demanded by @Alexandre and how those requests violate Brazilian law.

“This judge has brazenly and repeatedly betrayed the constitution and people of Brazil. He should resign or be impeached.

“Shame @Alexandre, shame.”

Musk went on to say that if de Moraes does follow through on these threats, Musk “will probably lose all revenue in Brazil and have to shut down our office there.”

Musk concluded, "But principles matter more than profit.”

Musk had been ordered by the court to block certain accounts on X, with de Moraes stating that X "shall refrain from disobeying any court order already issued, including performing any profile reactivation that has been blocked by this Supreme Court."

If Musk does not comply with his order, X will be fined nearly $20,000 per day until he does.

The judge is reportedly looking to block many of the accounts of de Moraes’ critics, with many of those accounts openly supporting former President Jair Bolsonaro.

Bolsonaro was recently blocked from running for re-election by the Moraes-led TSE, which claimed that Bolsonaro was spreading misinformation about the country’s election system.

This sounds eerily similar to what Democrats are trying to do to Donald Trump in this country.

Moraes has not responded to media attempts to get a comment regarding the remarks made by Musk on this matter.

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