May 17, 2024

Bragg Star Witness Michael Cohen Crashes and Burns on Final Day of Testimony

All week long, we have heard and read the media reports about how Michael Cohen was destroying Donald Trump.

These reports came from leftist media outlets that were not exactly being truthful in their reporting on the matter.

Well, by Thursday, even they had to admit that Cohen got set up pretty good by Trump’s defense attorney.

He’s a Liar

Todd Blanche wrecked Cohen on the stand this week, but the damage to Cohen started well before that.

Blanche backed Cohen into a corner, proving that he told at least one lie during his testimony, but it was probably more like a dozen.

For instance, Cohen told the court that he did not desire a post in Trump’s administration, but that was something he had previously stated he had desired.

In fact, he said that he wanted to cash in with a post if Trump won the election.

Robert Costello was also testifying, but he was testifying before committees on the Hill instead of a judge.

His testimony, however, was just as important.

Robert Costello, a former legal adviser to Michael Cohen, even suggested that Trump’s defense team call him as a witness to discredit Michael Cohen’s testimony.

He stated, "But, when I appeared before the grand jury, they were asking me questions that in my opinion, and I've been a federal prosecutor myself, I was deputy chief of the criminal division in the Southern District of New York, those questions they were asking me were not going to elicit the exculpatory information that I had.

"I began to expand upon my answers and the DA's office was trying to shut me down, saying that I had finished my answer.

"I told them that when I'm in the middle of answering a question, I'll decide when I finish my answer and I asked them not to interrupt me again. But basically they only put in a small cherry-picked group of emails. I presented maybe 2 to 300 emails and text messages to them."

Here is a segment on Fox News with Costello covering all this…

I honestly have no idea how the jury will rule in this case, but I have to believe there is now doubt in their minds about the truthfulness of Cohen’s testimony.

If Trump does not win this case by jury, I fully expect him to win this case on appeal, as there is a truckload of evidence that would warrant the overturning of any guilty verdict given by the jury.

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