February 20, 2024

Border Patrol Union Slams Biden Over Border Crisis

Joe Biden is supposed to be the president of the unions, but that does not appear to be the case.

I have seen reports about UAW workers griping about Biden’s push for EVs and how it could cost the industry thousands of jobs.

Now, the Border Patrol union is pushing back, calling out Biden as a “coward” who fails to take responsibility for the mess he created.

Not Our President

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd has been a thorn in Joe Biden’s side since day one of his presidency.

I find it rather amusing that Biden considers himself a union man, yet the one union he pays no attention to is the most critical union in this country right now… the Border Patrol.

Biden has avoided the border like the plague, and Judd was done playing games.

The Border Patrol Union went on the offense this week, posting…

This attack comes after a bipartisan Senate deal died in the hands of House Speaker Johnson (R-LA).

While there were some good parts to the deal, overall, it was nothing more than codifying everything that Biden and Secretary Mayorkas have done to circumvent our immigration laws to this point.

Biden has been out to get Border Patrol almost from the very day he took office.

We need only go back to “Whipgate,” where the Biden administration accused several agents of whipping migrants, when it turned out to be a weird angle for the photo that made it appear that way.

Even after the photographer stated he never saw any agents whip anyone, Biden went forward, swearing those responsible would pay.

When the official investigation came up empty, Biden and Mayorkas never apologized, still insisting that those agents would be disciplined.

Biden has put the lives of these people at risk by doing nothing, allowing them to be overwhelmed every day, and he does nothing to help them.

Biden could shut the border down at any time, but he refuses to do so, acting as though he has no power or authority over the border.

I suspect that will change as we get closer to the election because Trump has made the border issue the number one item on his agenda, and he will continue to pound it until that border gets locked down.

As it stands now, Trump is set to ride that narrative right back into the White House.

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