October 14, 2023

Bob Menendez Accused Of Acting As Foreign Agent

A federal grand jury has finally settled on a description of disgraced New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez:

"Foreign Agent."

The new charge in the indictment against Menendez is a "conspiracy for a public official to act as a foreign agent."

In this case, the foreign country that Menendez was allegedly working for was Egypt.

According to the Daily Caller, "Menendez is accused of acting on behalf of Egypt, passing on non-public information and doing favors for their government in exchange for bribes."

Showing just how big of hypocrites America's liberals really are, Bob Menendez once had the nerve to allege that former President Donald Trump was a foreign agent on behalf of Russia.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Except, Trump isn't a pot or a kettle, and Menendez isn't black.

If you don't believe that Menendez was ever acting as a foreign agent, then how would you describe the fact that "over $480,000 in cash — much of it stuffed into envelopes and hidden in clothing, closets, and a safe — was discovered in the home?"

That's not me making things up, either. Those are the facts. It says so in the indictment.

Menendez has denied his guilt time and time again, but what do you expect him to do?

It seems clear that the man is likely guilty.

Menendez is running out of places to hide and excuses to make.

Pretty soon he's going to have to face the music.

Perhaps this will open America's eyes about the fact that liberals in our federal government have been taking advantage of people like us for years.

What do you think about the trial of Bob Menendez?

Do you think that Menendez is going to have to pay the price for his actions?

Or is he going to get off, like so many liberals often find a way to do somehow?

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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