October 13, 2023

Blinken Stunned by Horrific Photos of Hamas Attack

It always seems to me that Secretary of State Blinken refuses to actually criticize our enemies and adversaries.

I realize he is a diplomat, and we all know what they are full of, but sometimes you just gotta call the kettle black.

It would appear that he finally did that after seeing some horrific photos of the attacks by Hamas against the Israeli people.

The Photos

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office posted just a few of the photos from the first attack on X that were just jarring.

We cannot post them here, but you can view them on X after clicking off the warning (click here).

When Blinken was later asked about the photos, he was a bit more direct than he had been in the past.

Keep in mind, this is the same man that posted that he wanted a cease-fire, then deleted the post, after the initial attack and counterstrikes were launched.

Blinken stated, "It's beyond what anyone would ever want to imagine, much less actually see and, God forbid, experience.

"A baby, an infant riddled with bullets, soldiers beheaded, young people burned alive in their cars or in their hideaway rooms.

"I could go on, but it's simply depravity in the worst imaginable way. It almost defies comprehension. And as I've been saying to me in the most immediate future, harkens back to ISIS and some of the very things we saw when it was on its rampage that thankfully was stopped.

“So I think for any human being to see this, it's really beyond almost anything that we can comprehend, digest.”

Blinken continued, "And I just add that when you see this, you try to imagine — maybe not try — can't help but imagine yourself, your family, your loved ones, your friends in that situation, in that predicament.

“And maybe the best word for it for me is 'overwhelming.' I think what it's done is, as I said, united a country in profound grief, but also united a country in resolve. And it's imperative that the rest of us share that resolve.

"I said this earlier — this is a moment for moral clarity. This is a moment where everyone needs to make clear that there is revulsion, disgust and a determination not to allow this to go forward. So, images are worth a thousand words. These images may be worth a million."

For Blinken, that was about as harsh as it gets. Perhaps he is finally understanding the mindset of the people he and this administration have been trying to coddle up to since they took office.

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