February 2, 2024

Bipartisan Bill to Deport DUI Immigrants Passes Through House

One of the big issues with DHS Secretary Mayorkas rogue immigration rules is that some crimes are being overlooked that would normally qualify for immediate deportation.

Mayorkas is now looking at each case and making the decision if these individuals are now a danger and should be removed from the country.

He has looked past some fairly serious crimes, but he may not have that option much longer.

Everyone is Sick of It

If you read my reports regularly, you know there are some crimes that I like to classify as preventable.

These are crimes committed by illegal immigrants who should have never been allowed into or who were able to stay in this country.

Among these crimes is a shocking number of DUIs, often costing a citizen or legal resident their life.

A bipartisan bill in the House is hoping to rectify that situation.

On Wednesday, the House passed the “Protect Our Communities from DUIs Act,” which would call for the immediate deportation of an illegal immigrant involved in a DUI case.

The bill passed 274-150, with 59 Democrats crossing the aisle to support the legislation, which is astounding in this current political environment.

The legislation was penned by Rep. Barry Moore (R-AL), who stated, “There was a newlywed couple from my hometown of Enterprise, Alabama, named Angel and Jeremy Seay. I knew them personally.

“Angel and Jeremy were riding their motorcycle together when an illegal immigrant under the influence of alcohol collided into them with his pickup. Their lives were cut dramatically short.

“Sadly, tragedies like this are not uncommon across our country.”

I would just add, please note the names of everyone who voted against the legislation to hold them accountable the next time an American or legal resident is injured or loses their life in a DUI that involved an illegal immigrant.

In a separate bill that passed, 155 Democrats voted against the legislation that would deport illegal immigrants who were convicted of Social Security fraud against legal Americans.

This is a very common practice and it is how many illegals are able to get their working credentials in this country, but that is apparently okay with 155 Democrats in the House.

Please tell me how allowing DUI drivers and identity thieves who entered this country to stay is looking out for the welfare of this country and its citizens.

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