February 18, 2024

Bill Barr appears poised to vote for Trump if no Biden alternative emerges

Former Attorney General Bill Barr has never been shy when it comes to leveling criticism at former President Donald Trump, but in a surprise recent development, he has declared that unless there is an alternative to Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket, he will likely vote to give his former boss a second term in the Oval Office, as reports.

The outlet reported on a social media post from Mike Allen of Axios, who was reporting on comments Barr made during a luncheon held by the Forum Club of Southwest Florida in which the former AG painted the choice facing voters this fall in the starkest of terms.

High stakes election

Speaking to those assembled for the event, Barr offered a blunt assessment of what appears -- at least for now – to be the matchup that is taking shape for fall.

“Voting for Trump is playing Russian roulette with the country,” Barr began.

However, he added, “Voting for Biden is outright national suicide.”

In the estimation of Townhall's Matt Vespa, Barr's stance is a carefully calculated one in which he is “admitting a level of chaos he's willing to accept since there's a chance of revival.”

Vespa went on to suggest that “with Biden, it is certain death, a sentiment Democrats are ignoring in their little bubbles along the Acela Corridor.”

Deliberations concluded

Barr's statement to the gathering in Florida represents what may be the culmination of deliberations he suggested last year would be necessary if it appeared that a Trump-Biden rematch would be inevitable.

As The Hill reported last summer, Barr told NBC News that he did not want to see Trump secure the Republican presidential nomination but was noncommittal when it came to the question of whether he could ultimately support him in a general election contest.

“I have made clear that I strongly oppose Trump for the nomination and will not endorse Trump,” Barr explained, but when asked specifically if he would pull the lever for the former president if Biden was the other option, he said, “I'll jump off that bridge when I get to it.”

Having previously characterized Trump as a “consummate narcissist” who routinely “engages in reckless conduct,” Barr's ability to cast a ballot for the current GOP front runner appeared far from certain.

However, as may be the case for millions of others as the election season progresses, when faced with the choice of another four years of Biden and the return of Trump to the White House, the Republican appears poised to get the nod from Barr.

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