October 29, 2023

Biden's Border Policy Simply Not Good Enough

Joe Biden's border policies are simply not good enough for America.

How do I know?

Because border states are having to take matters into their own hands.

While Biden sits up there on the East Coast, his border policy is essentially "out of sight, out of mind."

That's why he appointed Kamala Harris as his administration's border czar.

Harris is completely incapable of actually making progress on real issues because she doesn't have the communication skills or the drive to ever get anything done.

Harris doesn't deserve to be America's vice president.

Joe Biden only appointed her because she's a Black woman, not because she's capable of doing the job. He even announced that before selecting her for the job.

Instead of picking somebody based on merit, skills, and trustworthiness, Biden announced that he was going to pick a Black woman, and nobody else would do.

Obviously, this put Joe Biden into a bit of a box, and instead of somebody at his side capable of fixing things, he got worthless Harris.

That worked just fine for Biden though, as whatever he put Kamala in charge of obviously wasn't going to go well, so he just puts her in charge of the problems he doesn't actually want fixed.

America's southern border is a prime example of that.

Joe hopes to keep the border open so that as many illegal immigrants as possible can get into this country, and he wants them to be able to vote for him.

Biden has become so crazed in this mission that he is totally sacrificing states like Texas and Arizona in order to make it happen.

It's gotten so bad that Texas' legislature has started having to pass its own bills regarding the border because Washington, D.C. simply won't keep the state safe.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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