December 19, 2023

Biden's Approval Rating on Immigration Drops Over Past Month

President Biden's approval rating on immigration has experienced an 8-point decline since the previous month, according to a recent Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll shared with The Hill.

Only 38 percent of registered voters expressed approval of Biden's handling of immigration in the current month, down from 46 percent in November.

Mark Penn, the chairman of the Harvard CAPS-Harris poll, emphasized the significance of addressing immigration-related concerns to prevent further erosion of the president's reputation.

Despite the dip in approval, voters consider immigration to be among the most critical issues facing the country. Approximately one-third of voters identified immigration as a top concern, ranking second only to price increases and inflation, which one-third of voters cited as a primary problem.

Two-thirds of respondents believe that the monthly border crossings by illegal immigrants have increased under Biden's administration.

Additionally, 70 percent of voters, including 55 percent of Democrats, believe the administration should implement "new, stricter" policies to reduce the influx of people into the country.

The poll also revealed dissatisfaction among immigrant advocates, who reportedly criticized the president for tying Ukraine funding to border policies while seeking billions from Congress. A significant majority of voters, nearly 6 in 10, believe that former President Trump had better immigration policies compared to Biden.

Notably, 80 percent of Democrats favored Biden's policies, while 93 percent of Republicans favored Trump's.

As Biden gears up for reelection against Trump next year, the latter's rhetoric on immigration has faced renewed criticism, particularly his recent claim that migrants are "poisoning the blood of our country."

Biden's approval approval ratings experienced declines in several other areas over the past month. There was a 3-point drop each in his handling of foreign affairs and job stimulation, bringing those figures to 41 percent and 47 percent, respectively.

These dropping approval ratings highlight the challenges the president faces in various policy domains as he seeks reelection in 2024.

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