January 12, 2024

Biden Warned to Stop Inviting Donors to White House

White House Counsel apparently did not get the memo that Joe Biden does what he wants when he wants to do it.

Reports have surfaced over the last few days that White House Counsel gave Biden a good talking to about the way he has been allowing some of his big donors to pop into the White House for tours, including the Oval Office.

This comes amid Biden being accused of allowing his son, Hunter, to sell access to Biden when he was a member of the Obama administration.

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The initial report surfaced on Axios, claiming that “people familiar with the matter” claim Biden has changed what parts of the White House he allows his biggest donors when they come to check out his digs.

Biden has apparently been hosting all the big-money donors of the Democrat Party in an effort to calm their fears about him being able to beat Donald Trump in the 2024 general election.

The tours have continued, but they have done so with new “restrictions” being placed on them by the White House Counsel.

Call me crazy, but that sure sounds like maybe something unethical was going on before the attorneys stepped in to knock it off, but Axios would never report that narrative regardless of whether it was true or not.

White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates tried to put a damp towel over speculation, stating, “It is typical for any president, regardless of party, to host supporters at the White House complex, which is both a working office as well as a personal residence.

“President Biden and his team take all rules concerning the White House and re-elections seriously, and we’re proud of that.”

Yes, but again, not every president has been accused of selling access via his son, who, by the way, just pleaded not guilty to several tax charges he was indicted for last year.

Kedric Payne, ethics director at the Campaign Legal Center, raised the concern that Biden may have been violating the Hatch Act with these visits.

Payne stated, “There are certain rooms in the White House, particularly in the residence that are not covered under the Hatch Act.

“The president is allowed to legally meet with and entertain donors at the White House. But you cannot give campaign contributions or solicit for campaign contributions while in the White House.”

My question would be, how much influence are those donors having on Biden’s policies?

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