May 9, 2024

Biden Vows to Withhold Aid from Israel

Joe Biden has managed to put himself into a pickle.

Biden has been walking a fine line between supporting Israel and caving to pro-Palestine Democrats.

On Wednesday, Biden admitted that he would be withholding aid to Israel if Israel conducts an offensive against Rafah to go after Hamas.

That’s Illegal

During an interview with CNN on Wednesday, Biden stated, "Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers.

"I made it clear that if they go into Rafah – they haven’t gone in Rafah yet – if they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities – that deal with that problem.”

Biden is doing this to gain favor with extremists in the party that have voted “uncommitted” to protest support for Israel by the United States.

There are two huge problems for Biden now.

First and foremost, we just found out that Biden has already withheld congressionally approved aid, as was confirmed by Secretary Austin when he was on the Hill this week.

Austin got torched by Republicans after admitting, “We did pause as we re-evaluated some of the security assistance that we’re providing.

“As we have assessed the situation, we paused one shipment of high-payload munitions.”

Now, let’s go back to the Trump presidency when one of the impeachment charges against Trump was because he withheld congressionally approved aid to Ukraine.

This situation is about as identical as it gets, so instead of wasting time investigating actions by Biden as VP and a private citizen that may not even be impeachable, why not go after Biden for something that Democrats impeached Trump?

This is a slam dunk case, and Democrats will be put on the spot to defend Biden when they voted to impeach Trump for the very same offense.

Biden just handed the GOP his impeachment on a platter, and they need to stop wasting time and go for it right now.

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