November 17, 2023

Biden Thinks Newsom ‘Could have his job’

Leave it to our buddy Joe Biden to stir things up with just one sentence.

There has been a lot of buzz over the last few days over an interview that Kamala Harris did when she was a bit perplexed by the question of her race and gender being the driving force behind her being added to Biden’s ticket.

That buzz will only be louder now that Joe Biden has apparently appointed California Governor Gavin Newsom as the heir apparent to the Democrat Party.

In Just Seven Words…

Biden just flipped the Democrat Party on its ear with seven words, saying that Gavin Newsom "could have the job I’m looking for.”

That is just not something you would expect a sitting president to say when he is speaking in the home state of his vice president.

Biden was addressing the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders in San Francisco.

Biden stated, "I want to talk about Governor Newsom. I want to thank him. He’s been one hell of a governor, man.

"Matter of fact, he could be anything he wants. He could have the job I’m looking for."

What is even odder about the comment is that Newsom has clearly been running a shadow campaign to raise his profile in case Biden has to bow out.

Newsom, in fact, just got back from a trip to China where he met with President Xi and members of his administration.

Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) observed, "The track record is not good for him to be gallivanting around the world doing basically a shadow campaign for president, just waiting for the moment when they finally decide to throw Biden under the bus.”

Newsom has already missed several filing dates to be on the ballot, and the majority of the remaining states are in December and January.

Point being, it is unlikely that he will be on a primary ballot, but what happens if Biden gets the nomination, and then decides to bow out for one reason or another? Could Newsom get tagged in at that point?

I honestly have no idea what would happen in that case but you better believe if the DNC has its druthers, it will be Newsom over Harris in a heartbeat.

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