November 21, 2023

Biden Supporters Want Biden Walking Shorter Distances on Camera

A rather interesting report broke on Politico this week, which was actually a revisitation of a story that Fox News broke about a month ago.

Only, when Fox News breaks the story, it was disregarded as trash.

When Politico breaks the same story weeks or months later, it is suddenly a scandal, this one being how people are trying to keep Joe under wraps as much as possible to limit him from falling in public and showing his age.

Watching Joe

The latest polling for Biden is a real problem, showing that 69% of Democrats think that Joe is too old to run for president again.

Some of the top Democrat pundits have also mentioned this in recent weeks, with the most notable being David Axelrod, a former Obama adviser.

His comments hit home, as Biden reportedly read them and called Axelrod a “pri**” behind closed doors. We should also note, during the Obama administration, it was reported that there was significant tension between these two, so Biden’s reaction is not exactly unexpected.

James Carville, a well-known Democrat strategist, also commented on the age issue for Biden in polling.

The Politico report stated that aids are now trying to minimize the time that Biden spends walking in front of cameras to prevent even more embarrassing falls that could bring his age to light even more.

Donors are getting concerned, wanting the campaign to lean into the issue rather than simply deny this is a problem.

The report stated, "People close to the president have discussed having him walk shorter distances while on camera. They’ve also advocated, at times, trading in formal shoes for more comfortable ones — both to make his stride seem less stiff, but also to reduce the risk of falls.”

It continued, "Many donors are directly urging top campaign aides to go on offense, leaning even harder into Biden’s age as proof of his wisdom in turbulent times. They are pushing for more humor about ‘Grandpa Joe.’”

Democrats are hoping to bring more focus on Donald Trump’s age, but Trump is clearly aging better than Biden, not having the same number of mental gaffes, although there are signs of this, something that the DeSantis campaign has started to monitor and attack.

Even so, the age issue is something Biden will not be able to avoid as we get closer to election day, as Biden will be on the verge of his 82nd birthday when voters head to the polls next year.

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