March 29, 2024

Biden Skips Services for Slain NYPD Officer to Hold Fundraiser

There was an opportunity for Joe Biden and Donald Trump to come face-to-face for the first time as 2024 presidential candidates.

They were both in the same city, only for different reasons.

Trump chose to attend the services for slain NYPD officer Jason Diller, while Joe Biden held a massive fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall.

Big Money

Trump and Biden both got significant media coverage on Thursday, but it was for far different reasons.

Trump attended the wake of Officer Diller, stating, "Such a sad, sad event. Such a horrible thing. And it's happening all too often and we're just not going to let it happen.

"We need law and order."

About 40 miles away, Joe Biden was holding a massive fundraiser that reportedly brought in about $25 million for the puppet president, but it was not without controversy.

The cheapest ticket for the event was $250, with pictures with Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Joe Biden costing $100,000, and a mere $500,000 for access to a more exclusive event with the two former presidents and Joe Biden.

The event was interrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters, who started to scream out during a panel discussion with the three men that was hosted by Stephen Colbert.

At the end of the night, Democrats were giddy over how much their deep-pocketed donors shelled out during the event.

Jeffrey Katzenberg, the Hollywood film mogul who serves as Biden's campaign co-chair, stated, "This historic raise is a show of strong enthusiasm for President Biden and Vice-President [Kamala] Harris and a testament to the unprecedented fundraising machine we’ve built.

"Unlike our opponent, every dollar we’re raising is going to reach the voters who will decide this election — communicating the president’s historic record, his vision for the future and laying plain the stakes of this election. The numbers don’t lie: today’s event is a massive show of force and a true reflection of the momentum to re-elect the Biden-Harris ticket."

All that money will not make up for the fact that Biden has not even mentioned Officer Diller while having spent time with the George Floyd family after his death, as well as reaching out to the families of other people who were killed by police while being taken into custody.

Yet, Joe Biden insists that he has stood by law enforcement his entire career, which is simply not true.

Since Biden has been in the White House, we have seen him ready to crush law enforcement at every chance he gets, and we only need to go back to #WhipGate as proof of that.

Donald Trump is hoping to match or beat Biden’s event on April 6, where he is having a massive fundraiser in South Florida, hoping to raise $33 million.

Trump needs that event to be successful because his campaign, his PACs, and the RNC are all on fumes right now due to Trump’s legal bills being the number one expense of the campaign.

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