January 26, 2024

Biden Signs Executive Order for More Gun Control

For months, I have been telling anyone who would listen that Democrats are lying low, waiting for Trump to secure the nomination before they pounce.

Biden has been polling horribly, so we all knew that Democrats would start to push some new narrative in the hopes of getting Biden back atop Trump in polling before the general election.

We have now seen Biden make several moves to try to accomplish this, including signing yet another executive order to promote more gun control across the country.

Let the Games Begin

I have been pretty upfront about the fact that I thought Democrats and Biden were lying low on purpose, not wanting to show their cards before they were sure that Trump would be the nominee.

With that now all but a given, the attacks and maneuvering have started.

The Biden administration just paused some major natural gas projects in what appears to be a move to pacify climate activists.

Biden just held a rally in Virginia, pushing the abortion narrative, which Democrats will use to rally voters again in 2024, just as they did in 2020, 2022, and 2023.

In all three of those elections, the GOP told voters there would be a red wave, if not a red tsunami, but instead, we saw complete and utter failure, almost ceding complete control of the government to Democrats for Biden’s full term.

Luckily, we were able to get the House back, albeit with a very narrow margin.

Biden just added to the moves he is making to try to get an early push in the form of another executive order, this time pushing proper gun storage to help prevent shootings.

The White House press release stated that the order is meant to “promote safe storage of firearms that implement President Biden’s Executive Order on promoting safe gun storage in order to reduce gun violence and make our communities safer.”

The Department of Justice is also expected to release guidelines on home storage for firearms.

This is the beginning of what I suspect will be a prolonged and sustained attack on conservatives and Donald Trump to give Biden a push in polling.

Will the American people be fooled again by Biden’s empty promises or will they finally wake up enough to kick Joe Biden out of office and hand congressional control back to the GOP?

That question will be answered in less than 10 months.

Don't Wait
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