July 1, 2024

Biden Released Migrants Who Stormed Border Patrol in El Paso

We all remember the images from March 21 at the El Paso, Texas, border checkpoint.

Dozens of migrants overwhelmed National Guard troops and rushed the border checkpoint.

Well, now they have been set free to the country’s interior, thanks to Joe Biden and Secretary Mayorkas.

The Rule of Law

Democrats love to talk about everyone being accountable to the rule of law.

That is, of course, unless you are a Democrat or an illegal alien.

These people break the law the second they step on our soil without going through proper channels, but this administration continues to find ways to cater to them.

If you ask most conservatives, or most Americans for that matter, those migrants who rushed the border should have been arrested and tossed right back over the border.

Instead, Joe Biden is rewarding them.

In May, an El Paso judge dismissed all criminal charges against the migrants who attacked troops that day.

There were roughly 40 migrants charged, so after the cases were dismissed, they were turned over to ICE, who reportedly set them all free.

An ICE spokesperson stated, “ERO [Enforcement and Removal Operations] officers make decisions on associated enforcement actions and apply prosecutorial discretion, where applicable, in a responsible manner, informed by their experience as law enforcement professionals and in a way that best protects the communities we serve.”

Other sources have told the media this is more about making space at the holding facilities because they don’t have room.

One source stated, “Sometimes we arrest a child molester and he gets released because of housing space. Or the charge is not egregious enough to keep him or her in custody.”

Since that incident, Texas has armed troops assisting Border Patrol with pepper balls to use against anyone rushing the border, and they have been told not to hold back on using them.

This has apparently helped deter migrants from rushing agents again.

I still like John Daly’s idea of stocking the river with crocks and snakes as a deterrent.

Something tells me the border numbers would decline significantly if we took that approach.

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