November 11, 2023

Biden rejects the notion that he is trailing Trump in swing states: 'Check it out'

In a new round of swing state polls, 80-year-old incumbent President Joe Biden falls further behind former President Donald Trump. 

The surveys were released the same day Biden's team accused the "pundit class" of excessively hyperventilating about his re-election chances, as the New York Post reported. 

According to a survey released by Emerson College on Thursday, Biden received fewer votes than Donald Trump did among potential voters in four of six states seen as key battlegrounds in the 2020 race.

Poll Findings

With 46% to 44% in Arizona, 49% to 41% in Georgia, 47% to 44% in Nevada, and 46% to 45% in Pennsylvania, the 45th president is ahead of the 46th.

In Michigan, Biden has a slim edge over Trump (45% to 43%) among likely voters, and in Wisconsin, the two major party frontrunners have the same number of votes (45% each).

Fox News' Peter Doocy questioned Biden on Trump's recent polling lead in swing states.

Biden was approached by Doocy, who queried him on topics like abortion's potential impact on the 2024 race and his rivalry with Trump, as Fox News reported.

Trump has consistently led Biden in the polls in the crucial swing states, and the Fox News reporter asked: "Why do you think it is that people should be more concerned about abortion access than your age?" Doocy began.

"I don’t think it’s a comparable comparison," Biden responded.

"Why do you think it is that you’re trailing Trump in all these swing-state polls?" Doocy asked.

"Because you don’t read the polls — there are 10 polls — eight of them I’m beating him in. You guys only do two. CNN, New York Times, check it out. We’ll get you a copy," Biden said.

Another Reporter's Pressure

Another reporter then pressed Biden, asking, "You don't believe you're losing in swing states?"

"No, I do not," Biden said.

This conversation took place just after a New York Times/Siena College poll showed Trump would win a contest with Biden in five of six crucial states in 2024.

In Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, Trump has a 4-point or greater lead over Biden. Biden has a narrow advantage over Trump in Wisconsin, 47% to 45%.

It's safe to say that Joe Biden will be the Democratic Party's nominee for president in 2024, while Donald Trump will continue to dominate the Republican field.

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