December 19, 2023

Biden Privately Concedes Trump is Beating Him in Polling

If you watch any interview with Joe Biden when he is asked about polling, he puts on his tough-guy persona and says people are looking at the wrong polls.

Privately, however, reports are surfacing that not only does Biden concede that he is losing to Trump, but he is getting a bit antsy about it, downright nasty at times.

Those anonymous sources are coming forward again, cited in a Washington Post report about how upset Biden is that his economic message is falling flat.

Why Am I Losing?

The most recent polling for Joe Biden has been devastating, to say the least.

He is losing in every battleground state he won in 2020, he has hit a record-low approval rating and a record-high disapproval rating, he is under 80% among Democrat voters, and he is trailing Trump in national polling.

The Post report stated, “For months, the president and first lady Jill Biden have told aides and friends they are frustrated by the president’s low approval rating and the polls that show him trailing former president Donald Trump, the front-runner for the Republican nomination — and in recent weeks, they have grown upset that they are not making more progress.”

Biden does not seem to understand that the unemployment and economic numbers we are seeing now, still are not better than they were prior to the pandemic when Trump was in office.

You don’t get to spill the milk and take credit for dropping a paper towel on the mess, which is what Biden is asking voters to do.

That, of course, does not even take into account the mess Biden made of our energy situation, declaring war against fossil fuel companies and locking down new oil and gas projects.

To the point I made about Biden being in denial, a reporter had asked Biden why he was losing to Trump in polls just before an alleged drunk driver plowed into a Secret Service car in Biden’s detail. Biden responded, “You’re reading the wrong polls.”

Okay, then, Joe, show us the polls where you are beating Donald Trump in anything.

Former Obama adviser David Axelrod has been beside himself over the strategy of the Biden campaign, even putting out photo op pictures of Biden standing beside a Bidenomics sign, with Axelrod stating, “It’s just unbelievable to me.”

To make matters even worse for Joe Biden, Donald Trump is now seeing a rather dramatic surge among black voters, which could possibly offset the never-Trump and DeSantis contingent among Republican voters that will refuse to vote for Trump.

Biden has 11 months before votes are cast, but he continues to be stubborn and refuses to change his message. If he stays on this path, he will be handing the election to Donald Trump or any other candidate that is atop the GOP ticket.

Let’s just hope that Republicans don’t find a way to screw it up again.

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