November 4, 2023

Biden Planning To Revive 2020 Themes Against Trump

Joe Biden has done so little in his years as our president that he's going to have to fall back on the same arguments he made in 2020 against Trump.

That's not just Republican speculation either.

That's straight from team Biden.

I would have liked to have seen Biden's America do so well that there was no question about what he was going to use to prop himself up in 2024.

Even though he's a liberal, I am an American before I am a Republican, so I would always choose to see our country do better even if it does mean giving credit to a liberal leader.

It would have been nice if Joe Biden would have accomplished enough in his last few years as our president to be able to stand on his own merits, but he's not going to be able to do that.

That's why his campaign officials are freely admitting they are just going to try the same things they tried in 2020 instead of pointing to recent successes in this country.

Biden's own team is putting our word that "the message Joe Biden ran on in 2020 remains popular with voters and central to this campaign."

"The president and vice president have a strong message that resonates with voters, a clear contrast with whoever the MAGA Republican Party nominates," Biden's team is saying. "This campaign will win by doing the work and ignoring the outside chatter -- just like we did in 2020."

Hopefully, Biden is not able to trick voters into forgetting how our country has fallen since he has taken office.

Joe is going to pretend that the disasters of the last few years never happened.

If he's able to trick voters into believing his lies, the Republican nominee could actually have a tough time beating Joe.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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