May 30, 2024

Biden Panders for Votes by Promising More Progressives on Supreme Court

Joe Biden nearly made it through his entire term without appointing a Supreme Court justice.

Had it not been for Justice Breyer retiring, Biden would have been shut out.

Now, however, Biden is trying to use the Supreme Court to pander to minority voters to support him in the 2024 general election.

Pandering for Votes

If Donald Trump wins the election, I have little doubt he will be nominating at least two more justices to the bench.

If Joe Biden wins, he will be lucky to appoint one.

I firmly believe that if a Republican wins the White House, Justices Alito and Thomas will step down as long as the GOP has the Senate and a conservative can be appointed to replace them.

If Biden wins, Justice Sotomayor may retire, but that is not a given.

Even so, Biden is using their ages to try to win over minority voters, stating, “The next president, they’re going to be able to appoint a couple justices, and I’ll be damned — if in fact we’re able to change some of the justices when they retire and put in really progressive judges like we’ve always had, tell me that won’t change your life.”

Jill Biden has also started to work this narrative, suggesting that if a conservative is the next appointment to the bench, people will lose all their rights.

That is fairly ironic coming from the left, people who thrive on expanding the government to interfere in our lives and make us more dependent on programs than money from actual income.

While the court now has a 6-3 conservative lean, I believe this is the most balanced court we have had in decades.

All one needs to do is look at the voting history to realize that, specifically of the three Trump-appointed justices and Chief Justice Roberts, all of whom have never feared ruling with the liberal justices if they believe it is the right side of the Constitution and law.

We cannot and rarely have been able to say that about any liberal justice in recent history.

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