May 20, 2024

Biden Panders for Minority Vote During Commencement Speech

This weekend, Joe Biden was out and about pandering for minority votes.

Biden attended an NAACP event as well as giving the commencement speech at Morehouse College.

He spewed the usual rhetoric, but Biden was not received as Dems had planned.

Turn Your Back

First and foremost, one of the biggest strikes against Biden was students turning their back on Biden when he took the stage and started to speak.

From what I could see from the pictures, the students doing this were wearing Palestinian garb.

Then Biden started to tell lies, restating a debunked narrative about election laws in red states.

For instance, Biden told the graduates, “Today in Georgia, they won’t allow water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in an election.”

That, my friends, is an outright lie. The issue was campaign workers giving away water and food, not poll station workers. People can surely get water while they wait in line to vote.

Second, Biden told the crowd, “What is democracy? Black men are being killed in the street…What does it mean to be a black man who loves his country even if it doesn’t love him back in equal measure?”

This is inciting a racial war in this country from a man who tells everyone he is here to try to unite the country.

Those words are not unifying, not even close.

This is what Democrats do, however… they stoke these fires while gaslighting the country about Republicans and conservatives in general.

This was one of the most despicable speeches I have ever heard, let alone from a sitting president.

Joe Biden and Democrats continue to use minority groups as props during these election seasons, but people are finally seeing through this charade.

While not all of them are now coming over to the Republican Party, support numbers among minority groups are historically low, and that is not a good sign for Democrats heading into an election that is pretty much a coin toss at this point.

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