October 31, 2023

Biden Nominee Taking Heat for ‘Scandal’

Joe Biden has broken the law again with an appointment in his administration.

Ann Carlson, who is serving as acting administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a Transportation Department subagency, was also Biden’s nominee to head the agency.

Her nomination stalled in the Senate, with resistance being put up by Ted Cruz, among others, who now wants to have the Senate vote on defunding her salary.

However, that is only the tip of the iceberg.

Defunding Her Salary

The Federal Vacancies Reform Act prohibits “any person who has been nominated to fill any vacant office from performing that office’s duties in an acting capacity."

So, Biden is clearly breaking the law by merely having had her serving in this office.

There is far more hanging over this woman’s head, though.

An investigation by the Republican Commerce Committee found that she had helped coordinate litigation against fossil fuel companies by the law firm Sher Edling.

There were more than a dozen suits filed for various cities, counties, and states.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) stated, "President Biden’s illegal appointment of Ann Carlson, who was effectively rejected by the Senate due to concerns about her extreme agenda and radical record, will only yield more mandates, higher costs for families, and a less vibrant economy.”

Tom Jones, the president of right-leaning watchdog group American Accountability Foundation, added, "These revelations make it clear that Ann Carlson is utterly unsuited for a job in government. Putting a Leftist swamp creature like her in charge of regulating vehicles in America, even after she was rejected by the Senate, is a serious scandal that Joe Biden needs to answer for.

“Carlson has spent her career making life harder for regular Americans with her arbitrary and delusional campaign to eradicate gasoline-powered cars.

"As we've just seen, even electric vehicles' biggest boosters at Ford have realized that this technology is not a realistic alternative to gasoline cars.

“But thanks to Joe Biden she has the power to impose her extremist green ideology on all of us, attempting to become a Soviet-style central planner for American cars."

I have said it before but it must be said again… Joe Biden is filling this administration with activists, not experts, and far too many of these appointments appear to be reciprocation for organizations and lobbyists that filled his campaign war chest.


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