June 1, 2024

Biden makes bold Supreme Court promise to Black voters

Biden's WORST NIGHTMARE is coming close to being realized.

For YEARS, liberals have simply expected Blacks and Latinos to vote for them, even if the policies the liberals are putting in place don't really benefit these communities.

If support from these groups continues to dwindle, Biden will be facing his WORST NIGHTMARE on election day when he loses to Donald J. Trump as a result.

Biden knows that his power over these groups is slipping, so he's resorted to outrageous examples of pandering to them just like Hillary Clinton did in 2016.

Biden isn't trying to connect with them over hot sauce though, instead he's trying to make up for neglecting Black voters for three years by giving them back menthol cigarettes and making absurd claims about what he's going to do for them regarding the Supreme Court.

Earlier in his term, Biden promised to eventually get rid of menthol cigarettes, claiming that the minty fresh enjoyment was targeting young people in an attempt to get them hooked for life.

However, as the years went on and Biden did little else to benefit Black people in America, his upcoming ban on menthol cigarettes, a favorite of the Black community, started facing increased scrutiny.

Knowing he needed to buy the votes back, Biden came right out and reversed the decision, pretending that he was never the grumpy old man trying to take away menthol cigarettes in the first place.

Now, Biden is using the Supreme Court to pander as well.

He's promising to stuff the high court with progressive judges who will try to benefit Black people with their rulings.

The only problem? Right now, there are exactly ZERO openings on the Supreme Court, so Biden absolutely cannot do that.

Even if Joe Biden does get to nominate somebody soon, it will most likely be a retiring or deceased Sonia Sotomayor.

Subtracting a liberal judge then adding a liberal judge doesn't change the math at all, Joe.

Either he's too stupid to admit that or he's too determined to buy votes to care.

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