May 20, 2024

Biden Insults Trump SCOTUS Picks with Veiled Insult

Democrats continue to get away with saying things that would cause a riot on the left if those words came out of the mouth of a Republican.

Biden’s latest shot at Trump took place at the NAACP Detroit chapter dinner over the weekend, where Biden was in town to pander for minority votes.

He was opining on possible SCOTUS picks if Trump wins again, insulting all three justices that were appointed by Trump.


When Biden talks to minority groups, he enjoys making it all about race to get them riled up.

Biden, the man who says he ran to unify the country, incites every chance.

If Trump were saying the words that Biden said, the media would say that Biden was trying to incite a race war, yet Biden always gets a free ride.

To that point, Biden, on Trump’s SCOTUS record, stated, “He brags about getting Roe v. Wade overturned.

“He not only denies reproductive freedom, but worsens the mortality rate for Black moms, who are nearly three times more likely to die from pregnancy complications than a white woman.

“Trump openly encourages voter suppression and election subversion. He and his MAGA extremists gutted affirmative action.”

Biden then added, “Let me ask you, if he’s reelected, who do you think you’ll put on a Supreme Court? Do you think he’ll put anybody who has a brain?

“Folks, look: As Dr. King said, give us the ballot. We’ll put judges on the bench who will judge justly and do mercy.

“Reelect Kamala and me and a Democratic Congress, and we will help the NAACP. We will sign the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, the Freedom to Vote Act and make Roe v. Wade the law of the land again.”

Even if we take the inflammatory racial narrative out of this, can you imagine if Trump or any Republican, for that matter, suggested that Ketanji Jackson Brown did not have any brains, as Biden insinuated against Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett?

Biden continues his attacks during the commencement speech at Morehouse College over the weekend.

Biden will not be happy until every black person in this country looks at conservatives with nothing but anger and disgust in their eyes.

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